Westhoughton Mark Installation – 11th December 2014
Westhoughton Mark Lodge was pleased to receive W Bro Colin Mills PGStdB as the representative of the RW PGM to its installation on the 11th December 2014. The master elect Bro Stewart Wilson was presented to the WM Derek Easton PPrGReg by W Bro Russell Green IPM. The ceremony was conducted in a very friendly and sincere manner by Derek assisted by other members of the lodge.
Colin congratulating Stewart
Acting Provincial Officers with the new WM – Glynn Robert Jones PrGSD (from Walton Lodge),
Stephen Gregory PrGJO, WM Stewart Wilson, John Dutchman-Smith PrTreasurer
The address to the WM was given in an exemplary manor by VW Bro Rod Bennison PGJO who after a long and faithful service to the lodge was given honorary membership. The address to the wardens was given by Brian Robinson the treasurer and the address to the overseers by W Bro Peter Coates. Colin Mills gave the address to the brethren in a first class manner. Russell Green gave an excellent rendition of the working tools and the key stone collaret.
Grand Officers – W.Bro Arthur Robinson PGJD, V.W.Bro Rod Bennision PGJO, Colin Mills PGStdB,
WM Stewart Wilson, W.Bro Howard Emmett PAGDC PrGCharitySteward, W.Bro Ken Alker PGJD Special Representative
After a lively festive board W.Bro Peter Hegarty PPrGJW auctioned the fun day bottle of whisky which raised £150.
May I also at the festive time express my best wishes to the readers of the Mark Website for a healthy and prosperous New Year, Ken Alker